Important Visitor Information
Millride Field Target Club is insured with Blue Fin Sports Insurance

Visitors: Are members of other clubs and have a current BFTA card.
Juniors : Shooters below the age of 16 at the start of current calendar year.
Please Note
Under 18: To be accompanied by an adult over 21 years of age. (Club Rule)
Under 14: To be supervised by an adult over 21 years of age. (Legal requirement)
Almost all shoots at Millride will be an individual round of one of our ongoing members-only competitions. Whilst visitors will be shooting the competition course, their scores will not be entered into the official results.
Visitors should not begin shooting until the register has been signed, the appropriate fees have been paid, and the course has been declared open.
We normally start shooting at around 10:30 am, but due to prevailing weather or other unforeseen circumstances the start may be delayed, or even cancelled on very rare occasions. We will always try to notify shooters of any closures early enough for them to cancel their travel arrangements, but this cannot be guaranteed. Millride Ftc reserves the right to abandon the shoot at any time if wind conditions or any other conditions are deemed to be unsafe or potentially unsafe. Shooters should ensure that they start shooting early enough to complete the course before a cease fire is called in order for the course to be cleared away. Visitors are respectfully reminded to move along the course in a timely manner so that undue delays and the annoyance of fellow shooters are avoided.
Please note that we are currently reviewing the course opening and closing times - Further details tba